My Humble Beginnings to Beauty Industry . . .

Today, as I have been reading so many things and blogs at the cyber world about different beauty tips, something came into my mind that I guess would help people realize their inner beauty.

Make up History…..

As far as I can remember, I started being interested in cosmetics when I was 10 years old. Oh, I know you were surprised!~ I’d love putting lip balm and powder to have my face a glow. I got this idea of putting a lip balm from my school mate. So, I asked my mum to buy me one. You know, she’s very supportive with my dreams and wants that time that she would order a product immediately to our relative just for me. The first cosmetics that I had was Avon Lip Savers in Strawberry flavor and the pinkish talc.. I forgot it’s exact name but still it was from Avon.

When I was 12 years old, I got so fascinated about different colors of lipsticks especially the shimmery ones, so I tried mummy’s lipsticks. Whatta!~ I loved them all!!~ Pink, red, peach.. I love them all so I tried to look for a product of Avon which I really like, on their brochure. Without my knowledge, mummy bought me one and it was the same product that I was always looking at. Actually, my friends did not like me for using lipstick at school because as we all know, I was so young that time. So what I did was to use it before going out and then hide under my school table whenever I need to reapply it.

As I enter my high school years, here it comes… My passion for cosmetics really boomed especially when I was a teenager. At school, I used baby powder, pink lipstick, and lip balm. Those are just the products that I can NEVER go without. Most especially, I’d always love to comb my straight hair to make it shinier. Of course, the get-up is not finished without the headband and dangling earrings. My headband should always match my earrings.. And that was the signature look that I portrayed at school. People tend to remember me when you say, “…the fair lady with matching headband and dangling earrings…..” I was the only one wearing this type of look at school and I love everything that I do.

The first make up kit that I had was Ever Bilena, when I was 14 years old.My sister bought this for me and I love the golden brown as my eyeshadow and the peach blush-on for my complexion. I was not into putting foundation on my face because they tend to make my face too “peachy” in color so I only used baby powder.

During events at school, I did not like the idea of “someone putting make up for me” so I tried to look at some magazine models of how they wear their makeups. I was really fascinated of how they look but I could not get the exact look that they have so I tried putting all of the eyeshadows on my lids until I came into a “black-eye-look.” Of Course, it wasn’t nice at all so I keep on repeating it and following the steps that I read on magazines.

I was 15 years old when I finally knew the basic application of make up. I did not learn from the magazines that I used to read, but by staring and looking closely at the details of my teacher’s make up, I have seen some color combinations that she used and that was the most effective thing that I did to learn make up!!~ When I was in the classroom, I used to look at my teacher and yes, it helped me a lot to improve my make up techniques.

During the High School Graduation Day, I was the one who put make up on my face. I chose the purple and brown color of Ever Bilena Eyeshadow and Revlon Cream Blush on. For my lipstick and face powder, it was Avon’s… It looked good on me.. with my curly hair.. hahahahahah.. mummy curled my hair for 6 hours using the rollers (until now, I still have them here with me..!~)

** These are the only pictures that I have of my High School Graduation (with my dad and the other one with my best friend) … As you can see, my make up was so light…

This was the last make up that I did when I was in high school…

When I Enter the college life… I tend to think of making my self look stand out and confident because I just had my very first heart ache and I did not want to appear stressed and lifeless… So I had to exercise just to be fit and i had to be more fashionable so that it would conceal all my pain and insecurities inside. Yes, I had an insecurity that time because I experienced that very painful break up with my boyfriend before the high school graduation, and I thought of having a need to improve myself and not wanting to be rejected by people anymore. Being physically fit and putting make up on somehow helped me boost myconfidence. It made me realize that make up is not just an art but also a way of living.

The Dark Side of make up… =(

Trying different cosmetics, made my skin irritated and sensitive, so I had breakouts…. that time, I was not aware of the contents of the cosmetics that I have. I do not even clean my brushes and I think it contributed a lot for giving me the unwanted breakouts. My skin is fair so it is easily visible when there is a pimple. Having these pimples made my self esteem drop to the lowest level. I came to a point wherein I did not want to look at my self because I look so ugly and I thought of hiding to many people because they keep on staring at my face. I suffered from acne for 6 months more… and the only thing that made it less was a facial cleaning.

I had a facial cleaning every month for 2 years to maintain the blemish-free skin. It was painful. I did not want my skin being pricked but that’s the only way to get rid of blemishes. My parents did not like it for me.. they did not want me to spend money just to maintain beauty. They keep on telling me that it’s not the best thing to do.

It took me some time before I realized that facial cleaning is not the best option at all… I tried to stop it and noticed that blemishes would still come out. I stopped my maintenance creams, everything!~

What I did was to take my vitamins before sleeping so it would help my skin heal faster and eat meat products as well as orange juice. I also reduced the sweet intake and avoided sleeping late…. I also tried to figure out what my skin loves and hates. I realized that I need a good moisturizer indeed and a hypoallergenic make up~ made in Korea. I tried Olay as my moisturizer and Missha- as my first Korean make up.

This is also the time when I tried the home made beauty remedies. I made some research about the popular home made products before trying them on my skin. This time, I became so meticulous when it comes to skin care.

This is also the time when I tried looking for make up tips on the internet~ Until I found Bubzbeauty and ricebunny on They were my very first make up gurus. I learned alot from them and most important, I was able to apply their tutorials on different occasions with expression and willingness to have a change. Their lessons were good and easy to do and it helped me bring back my self-esteem. I joined contests and even blog my personal beauty tips for many people out there.

As of these days, I used to continue searching for what is best and keep on sharing them with people. I believe that beauty is in the heart, not on the skin and the way we think affects our lives in so many ways…

** Below are my photos with different make up and hair style:


4 thoughts on “My Humble Beginnings to Beauty Industry . . .

  1. Whew, a very long post. ^^ You started at such a young age! Such a kikay even as a kid. 😀 I’m not really interested in make up before, not until last year when I was in 3rd yr college, the BB cream craze and envying the skin of koreans is the start and that made me interested on make up and more conscious about skin care. Btw, good thing you had overcome the part when you had breakouts! You are lucky to find the solution to your skin problem. Make up can hide imperfections but having a good healthy skin is better than just covering and applying tons of makeup right? 🙂 Thanks for sharing. More power to your blog and stay pretty. 🙂


    1. Thank you for taking some time reading this post, Monica~ Yes, a clear skin is better than fully made-up one that’s why I only put less make up and more on skin care. Have a nice day ^_^


  2. I think I was your opposite XD When I was in high school, I didn’t like makeup one bit and I knew I had to wear makeup for the prom and stuff just so I’d look formal enough and presentable enough. I never really got into makeup until recently and I am now 31 XD I mean, sure, I tried it out when I was in my 20s but I got too lazy. At most, I’d put on baby powder and lip balm or gloss. But I just snapped one day because I saw myself in the mirror — why do I look so harrassed, etc. That’s when I started bothering on how to learn to take care of my skin, etc. Young people like you are amazing because you already know so much about skin care and makeup. 🙂 And I love reading all about the experiences you girls (and some guys) share on your blogs. Keep it up and stay beautiful inside and out. 🙂


    1. Thank you very much for visiting my blog, Clair. I am happy that you’ve also shared your experience here about your skin. More reviews and beauty tips to come!~ ^_^


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